updated January 19, 2025
Citizens Police Academy
West Hennepin Public Safety Announces the 2025
Citizens Police Academy
West Hennepin Public Safety has announced the dates for the 2025 Citizens Police Academy. The Citizens Police Academy will start on February 13th, 2025 and will end with graduation on April 3rd, 2025. The Academy runs for eight weeks, one day a week, Thursday nights, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 pm
Please contact the West Hennepin Public Safety Department at (763) 479-0500 between the hours 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., if you are interested in attending the Citizens Police Academy.
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WHAT IS IT? Citizens Academy is a FREE 24-hour block of instruction, sponsored by the Crime Fund, designed to give citizens knowledge about how your public safety department operates, our policies, procedures, programs and challenges. In addition, you will be introduced to government officials and staff and learn about the responsibilities of their respective office. Participants in each session will commit to meeting 3 hours, one night a week for 8 weeks. The Citizens Police Academy was designed to better understand law enforcement through education. The Citizens Police Academy participants are presented with realistic hands-on information, which will help each participant better understand the police department's functions. The classroom and hands-on information covers: DWI and Traffic Enforcement, home security, personal security, use of force, including deadly force which includes a demonstration of the Taser Gun and FATS training (firearms simulation), Hennepin County Dispatch Center, Court procedures including testifying before a Judge and many other areas related to law enforcement. An informational video explaining citizens police academy can be found below.
This is a great opportunity to meet your police officers, fellow citizens, and other members of government to learn why we do what we do. At graduation, you will receive a certificate and become a member of the Citizens Academy Network Alumni.
WHY SHOULD I ATTEND? We believe an informed citizenry will enhance public safety, make better decisions about how to protect themselves and their business, understand law enforcement strategies to problem-solving and provide leadership to other areas of government.
This class is a must for those people who live or work in or near the West Hennepin Public Safety Department’s jurisdiction. The West Hennepin Public Safety Department is currently establishing a list of participants who would be interested in the next class. The recommended attendee age is 18 years and older. Please contact the West Hennepin Public Safety Department at (763) 479-0500 between the hours 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., if you are interested in attending the Citizens Police Academy.
LSIA annual membership dues are due for 2025!
The 2025 membership fee is $45.00
Your membership fee helps support these efforts and more:
- Water quality improvement projects
- Informational events and causes that support Lake Sarah
- Newsletters and Neighborhood Directory
- The vitality of the fishery
- Yearly membership meetings
- July 4th boat parade
- The annual summer ice cream social
- Maintenance of the outlet/weir
- To promote Safe and legal utilization of the lake
Please become a member and support your lake association!
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Easily pay on your smartphone with the venmo app LSIA QR code above!
**Please put name,address and which programs you would like to donate to if paying online
General ice thickness guidelines
| Noted Passing
Long time lake neighbor Eileen M. Klaers, 93, of Loretto, MN, died peacefully Sunday, Dec. 22, 2024, at Haven Homes in Maple Plain, MN. Our deepest Sympathies to Randy & Colleen and to all of the the family and friends of Eileen.
With Eileen's passing we are adding this link for those who would like to revisit the Dolores Ullstrom interview with Eileen as published in the Mouth of Lake Sarah newsletter in 2002. click here to read the article.
Perfectly Average!
lake Sarah officially froze over officially on Tuesday December 2, 2024. Exactly the average ice-over date for the last 30 or so years.
The average Ice over date when calculated using the last 30 years of records as listed below is December 2. The earliest Ice over date was November 12 (1995) and the latest ice over date was January 12, 2024 after initially freezing on December 2, 2023. This website uses "remains frozen for the season" for our records.
For more information on past years Ice over / Ice off dates visit the Ice data page on this website.
Contact: Wade Miller, state trails and snowmobile program consultant, 651-259-5643
As snowmobile riders prepare for the upcoming riding season, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources reminds riders of important dates, safety tips and registration requirements. While the snowmobile riding season can start as early as Dec. 1, as yet this year there are no locations in the state with suitable conditions for trail grooming. Several conditions must be met before trails are open, groomed and ready for travel:
- The ground must be frozen. Where trails cross wetlands, 15 inches of ice are needed to support the weight of trail groomers.
- Adequate snow cover of about 12 inches must be on the ground to allow for trail packing and grooming.
- Trails must be cleared of fallen trees, signs put in place and gates opened.
While snowmobilers await the arrival of more snow and groomed trails, now is a good time to make sure registrations are current and snowmobiles are in good operating order, review safety training, and check local trail maps for route changes or new trails.
Registrations for new snowmobiles must be purchased in person at a deputy registrar of motor vehicles or at the DNR License Bureau in St. Paul. Renewals of registrations and state trail passes for snowmobiles not registered in the state of MN can be handled in person at these same locations or on the DNR’s licenses and vehicle registrations website (
The DNR shares information about snow depth and state-managed trail conditions on its DNR snow depth and groomed trail conditions webpage ( Local trail conditions are often posted online by tourism associations, chambers of commerce and volunteer snowmobile clubs. To find the nearest club, visit the Minnesota United Snowmobiler’s Association website (
Important snowmobile riding safety tips include:
- Be weather aware and don't ride in adverse weather conditions.
- Check the trail conditions and weather forecast for the destination before leaving home.
- Measure ice depth before riding on lakes and rivers. The DNR recommends a minimum of 5 to 7 inches of new, clear ice for snowmobiles.
- Always stay on designated snowmobile trails. Venturing off trails can result in accidents, loss of trails from landowners, and trespass violations.
- Don't drink alcohol and ride. Alcohol is a factor in more than 60% of fatal accidents in Minnesota.
- Always wear a quality DOT-approved helmet and facemask.
An interactive snowmobile trail map can be found on the DNR’s snowmobiling website ( Paper trail maps can be requested from the DNR Information Center. Email or call 888-646-6367 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday.
The final water level reading in 2024 was 978.81' on November 17
This can be compared to the final reading last fall on November 25, 2023 of 979.33' and the Ordinary High Water Level for Sarah of 979.90'. The Spencer family will continue as the appointed volunteer monitoring our lake’s water levels for the MN DNR, the LSIA and the community website.
lakelevels through November 17, 2024 in light blue |
Many of the questions emailed to this site regard illegal or inconsiderate snowmobile, atv, boat or pwc operation or fishing/hunting violation questions. To report illegal vehicular activity you should contact Hennepin County Sheriff Water Patrol (612)596-9880, or West Hennepin Public Safety (763)479-0500, The Water Patrol will not issue a citation for offenses they do not witness. They may issue a citation if the witness agrees sign the complaint (much like a citizens arrest). If you plan on filing charges against an individual you should make note of the date, time, vehicle description and license number, identity or good description of the operator. A side note; If the offender wishes to appear in court you may be required to appear as witness / accuser. To report hunting or fishing violations call DNR West Metro Conservation Officer: Ben Ulrich Phone: (651)242-2166, DNR Enforcement (651)582-1502, or orTIP (turn in poachers) toll free hotline 800-652-9093. Click the blue text for a copy of the Minnesota Snowmobile Regs , Personal Watercraft Regs , MN Boating Guide , ATV/OHV Regs, or the current MN Fishing Regulations , in Adobe Acrobat Reader format (.pdf).
Lake Sarah (MN DNR #27-0191) is located in sections 1 and 2, township 118, range 24; and in sections 34 and 35, township 119, range 24, Hennepin County, Minnesota. GPS 45°4'19"N 93°41'24"W surrounded by the Minnesota cities of Independence, Greenfield, Loretto, Medina, and Rockford. Click here to view a Google hybrid map of lake Sarah. Suggestions for content and services to be provided by this site are always welcome! E-mail this website with your feedback, suggestions, comments or ideas.