updated March 25, 2025
Official Ice Out for 2025 was March 25
Small areas of broken ice chunks were last reported on Tuesday morning but for the record purposes the lake was determined to be free of ice by late afternoon. Congratulations to Scott Engle who picked the closest date (3/28) for the LSA contest!.
Average Ice Out Date since 1978 April 7
Earliest Ice Out Date recorded March 6, 2024
Latest Ice Out Date Recorded May 2, 2018
For more information on past years Ice over / Ice off dates visit the Ice data page on this website.
Spring Burning Restrictions begin Monday March 24, 2025
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is restricting the open burning of vegetative debris due to increased wildfire risk resulting from dry conditions in central Minnesota beginning Monday, March 24 at 6 a.m.
The restrictions apply in the following counties: Anoka, Benton, Chisago, Hennepin, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Pine, Ramsey, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd, Washington, and Wright.
The DNR will not issue permits for open burning of brush or yard waste in these counties until restrictions are lifted.
“Wildfire danger is especially high in spring because dormant or dead vegetation from the previous year has dried out and there is no snow protection,” said Karen Harrison, DNR wildfire prevention specialist. “Even after precipitation, fine fuels, such as grass and small twigs, can dry out quickly from wind or low relative humidity, making them easy fuel for a wildfire.”
Harrison encourages residents to use alternatives to burning to dispose of yard waste, such as composting, chipping, or taking brush to a collection site. For more information, visit the composting for woodland owners page of the DNR website (
People cause more than 90% of wildfires in Minnesota. If a fire rekindles or escapes, the person who set it is liable for any damage caused, as well as for wildfire suppression costs.
Burning restrictions will be adjusted as conditions change. For more information and daily updates on current fire risk and open burning restrictions, visit the statewide fire danger and burning restrictions page of the DNR website (
Ice damage to shoreline property
Property owners around the metro are reporting property damage caused by a phenomenon called "ice heaving" or "ice jacking". This powerful natural force forms a feature along the shoreline known as an "ice ridge". The result may include significant damage to retaining walls, docks and boat lifts, and sometimes even to the cabin itself.
The cause of ice ridges:
Ice damage to shoreline property is often caused by the "pushing" action of an ice sheet. Cracks form in ice because of different contraction rates at the top and bottom of the ice sheet. This is especially true in years lacking an insulating snow cover. Ice cracks also develop because the edges of the ice sheet are sometimes firmly attached to the shoreline. When water rises in the cracks and freezes, the ice sheet expands slightly. When rising air temperature warms the ice, the additional expansion exerts a tremendous thrust against the shore. The expanding ice sheet moves soil to create ice ridges (also know as "ice pushes" or "ramparts") as high as five feet or more. Alternate warming and cooling of an ice sheet causes additional pushing action that possesses enough power to nudge masonry bridge piers out of plumb and push houses off their foundations.
For more information about this brawny natural force see:
Lift For Sale (lake Sarah)
South Lake Sarah Drive
Hewitt 3600# cantilever 104" x 109" with 2 canopy covers (both Grey)
$3,000 OBO call 763 six 7 zero 8569 or email Ken
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Spring Road Restrictions!
City of Independence - May 5 city gravel roads limit 4 tons/axle, May 7 city Ashalt roads limit 5 tons/axle
City of Greenfield - Check their website, nothing published as of 3/4/25
Hennepin County - spring 2025 weight restrictions. Beginning March 3, 2025, County roads: 10-ton/axle weight restriction
| Ice House through Ice March 1, 2025
An Ice house was reported through the ice on Saturday March 1, 2025. The Ice house has been removed but the ice in the area will remain thin for some time and has been marked as such. Please be careful if out on the late season ice especially in the area noted by the red star on the map below.
First responders wish to thank the neighbors who allowed access through the shared access lot on Lake Sarah Heights Drive so they could more safely and quickly access the incident. Thank you Josh Herscheid for quickly reacting to West Suburban FD's request, we really appreciate your willingness to help our first responders.
Although the lake ice conditions were sufficient for winter actrivities, the warm temps, sun, and high winds contributed to the ice failure beneath this ice house. A reminder to be careful on winter lake ice as conditions may deteriorate rapidly.
Red X marks area where incident occurred |
Burgers and hotdogs drew a crowd! |
Broomball, bonfire, bakesale, bowling |
| Winterfest 2025 was held in near perfect February conditions - sunny calm, 40F! This years event was a combined effort with Brent & Heidi Foster plus the Lake Sarah Association Board and volunteers!
Hamburgers, Hotddogs, Bake sale, Bonfire, Broomball, Ice Bowling & Snow painting were available. Guests could enter the Ice Out contest and / or the Tip-Up Fishing contest (Winner was a tie between Joe Baker and Lisa Spencer - Tip up #8 (30" northern pike!)
Tipup fishing and Ice-out contests |
Thank you to the Fosters and the Lake Sarah Association! |
Winterfest was last held on Saturday, February 28, 2015 (the 3rd annual) and had since fallen victim to weather, weather and whether.....
Hopefully next year's spring weather will allow this renewed tradition to return again. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this fun afternoon possible!
LSIA annual membership dues are due for 2025!
The 2025 membership fee is $45.00
Your membership fee helps support these efforts and more:
- Water quality improvement projects
- Informational events and causes that support Lake Sarah
- Newsletters and Neighborhood Directory
- The vitality of the fishery
- Yearly membership meetings
- July 4th boat parade
- The annual summer ice cream social
- Maintenance of the outlet/weir
- To promote Safe and legal utilization of the lake
Please become a member and support your lake association!
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Easily pay on your smartphone with the venmo app LSIA QR code above!
**Please put name,address and which programs you would like to donate to if paying online
Many of the questions emailed to this site regard illegal or inconsiderate snowmobile, atv, boat or pwc operation or fishing/hunting violation questions. To report illegal vehicular activity you should contact Hennepin County Sheriff Water Patrol (612)596-9880, or West Hennepin Public Safety (763)479-0500, The Water Patrol will not issue a citation for offenses they do not witness. They may issue a citation if the witness agrees sign the complaint (much like a citizens arrest). If you plan on filing charges against an individual you should make note of the date, time, vehicle description and license number, identity or good description of the operator. A side note; If the offender wishes to appear in court you may be required to appear as witness / accuser. To report hunting or fishing violations call DNR West Metro Conservation Officer: Ben Ulrich Phone: (651)242-2166, DNR Enforcement (651)582-1502, or orTIP (turn in poachers) toll free hotline 800-652-9093. Click the blue text for a copy of the Minnesota Snowmobile Regs , Personal Watercraft Regs , MN Boating Guide , ATV/OHV Regs, or the current MN Fishing Regulations , in Adobe Acrobat Reader format (.pdf).
Lake Sarah (MN DNR #27-0191) is located in sections 1 and 2, township 118, range 24; and in sections 34 and 35, township 119, range 24, Hennepin County, Minnesota. GPS 45°4'19"N 93°41'24"W surrounded by the Minnesota cities of Independence, Greenfield, Loretto, Medina, and Rockford. Click here to view a Google hybrid map of lake Sarah. Suggestions for content and services to be provided by this site are always welcome! E-mail this website with your feedback, suggestions, comments or ideas.