Lake Projects - Past & Present |
TMDL Project. Officially started in June 2005 with the formation of the Lake Sarah Stakeholders committee, and in conjunction with the Three Rivers Parks District, the process for initiating a Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) study which will look for the sources of nutrients entering Lake Sarah. Lake Sarah's water quality reflects extremely high nutrient loading, primarily phosphorus resulting in Lake Sarah being added to the EPA/MPCA Impaired waters list for phosphorus levels in April 2006. The federal Clean waters Act requires the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to conduct a TMDL study for each pollutant that causes a water body to fail to meet state water quality standards. For more information please visit the TMDL Project page.
Cable concrete mat installed to stabilize the runout on 11/10/04 - photo by Brad Spencer |
Outlet Restoration Project. In an attempt to reduce the destructive effects of multiple years of lake water levels which exceeded the FEMA 100 year flood level for extended periods, the LSIA sought assistance from local agencies to better control lake water levels. The project to redesign the sole outlet for lake Sarah was completed in November 2004 and resulted in the excavation of the outlet channel and the installation of an erosion resistent cable-crete mat at an elevation determined by the MN DNR, both tasks with the objective of stabilization of the lakes water level at elevations closer to the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL). Thanks to the city of Greenfield, MN DNR Waters, Three Rivers Parks District, Pioneer-Sarah Creek Watershed District, and Doboszenski & Sons, this project appears to be having the desired effect. More information can be found on the Outlet Project page.
The problem bog on 6/1/04 - photo by Brad Spencer |
Bog Removal Project. In June of 2004 a floating cattail bog of roughly 10,000 square feet in size, broke free of the shoreline and began roaming the lake threatening docks and property. The decision was made to attempt to remove the offending vegetation from the lake by a group of members and Directors of the Lake Association. The project was lead by Joe Slavic, Ron Jorgenson, and Mike Peterson, and was comprised of a band of hard working volunteers with help from Metro Contracting. In the end the group managed to entirely remove the offending bog from the lake in an unprecedented (and likely never to be repeated) project. For photos and more information please visit the Bog Project page.
Ice Cleanup Day 2006 - collage by Brad Spencer |
Ice Cleanup Day. Each year, usually on the Saturday following the deadline for Ice Fishing shelter removal (typically the first saturday in March), the LSIA organizes a cleanup day where volunteers retrieve garbage and abandoned items from the ice before they end up in the lake after ice out. Thanks to efforts aimed at educating ice fishermen and winter sports enthusiasts about the trash problem we have seen less trash being left on the ice in recent years. Most of the items collected are discarded wood, beverage cans, beer bottles, plastic bags and packaging from food or tackle, etc. For more information please see the Ice Cleanup day page.