The Final water level reading in 2024 was 978.81' on November 17
This can be compared to the final reading last fall on November 25, 2023 of 979.33' and the Ordinary High Water Level for Sarah of 979.90'. The Spencer family will continue as the appointed volunteer monitoring our lakes’ water levels for the MN DNR, the LSIA and the community website
Highest Level this year 981.05' on June 21, 2024 Highest Level ever recorded 982.40' on June 28, 2002
Lowest level this year 978.59' on October 27, 2024
Lowest level ever recorded 977.53' on October 30, 2022
click here to view the FEMA Flood Insurance study November 2016 part 1 of 2, 2 of 2 in .pdf
Ordinary High Water Level for Lake Sarah (27-0191) 979.90' (revised from 979.50' as of 10/13/2003 - Minnesota DNR OHWL study in.pdf) The ordinary high water level (OHWL) is a reference point that defines the DNR's regulatory authority over development projects that are proposed to alter the course, current, or cross section of public waters and public waters wetlands. For lakes and wetlands, the OHW is the highest water level that has been maintained for a sufficient period of time to leave evidence upon the landscape. The OHWL is commonly that point where the natural vegetation changes from predominately aquatic to predominantly terrestrial. For watercourses, the OHWL is the elevation of the top of the bank of the channel. For reservoirs and flowages, the OHWL is the operating elevation of the normal summer pool. The OHWL is also used by local units of government as a reference point from which to determine structure setbacks from water bodies and watercourses. See also legal definition under Hydrographics Program. For more information on determining OHWL please see "Guidelines for Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL) Determinations".
Final water level reading for 2024 on November 17 (yellow arrow) |
Back near the runout elevation
In case you were wondering what the water level looks like when the oulet slows, the lake level is now approximately the outlets runout elevation.
Thank you to the volunteers who have been working hard to keep our outlet working as efficiently as possible!
Map / Depth Survey 27-0191 Lake Sarah (.pdf)
Map / Depth Survey 27-0191 Lake Sarah (.tif)
Map and description of Lake Sarah Watershed (.doc)
USGS topographic map from the TopoZone
Historic levels, maps, vegetation and fish survey information can be accessed on the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources website
MN DNR water elevation gauge set benchmark:Benchmark Elevation: 985.42 ft, Datum: NGVD 29 (ft), Date Set: 08/26/2004.Benchmark Location: Township: 119, Range: 24, Section: 35. Description: (Found 2011 for Gauge Run use.) 3/8" x 8" spike, 1.0' above the ground in the lakeward side of a 2.2' silver maple, approx. 100' from waters edge and 40' lakeward of SE corner of private residence, N side of Sarah Lake, at 6275 N Shore Dr, Greenfield.