TMDL Projects / Impaired Waters |
The federal Clean Water Act requires states to adopt water quality standards to protect the nation’s waters. These standards define how much of a pollutant can be in a surface and/or ground water while still allowing it to meet its designated uses, such as for drinking water, fishing, swimming, irrigation or industrial purposes. Many of Minnesota’s water resources cannot currently meet their designated uses because of pollution problems from a combination of point and nonpoint sources.
Impaired Waters and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL)
For each pollutant that causes a water body to fail to meet state water quality standards, the federal Clean Water Act requires the MPCA to conduct a TMDL study. A TMDL study identifies both point and nonpoint sources of each pollutant that fails to meet water quality standards. Water quality sampling and computer modeling determine how much each pollutant source must reduce its contribution to assure the water quality standard is met. Rivers and streams may have several TMDLs, each one determining the limit for a different pollutant. The List of Impaired Waters can be accessed via links on the MPCA website, Impaired Waters page.
Above text excerpted from an article by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). To learn more about Impaired Waters and TMDL studies please visit the MPCAs website at
The Lake Water Quality Project at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is an assessment of 2,235 lakes in Minnesota. This assessment was first required by the Federal Water Quality Act of 1987. We elect to update this assessment each year. Minnesota Lake Water Quality Assessment reports and data can be found on the MPCA website.
Want to learn more about lake water quality, restoration, and interpetation of data? In order to help citizens interpret the data from the Lake Quality Project, the MPCA and the Freshwater Society produced a very informative 31 page publication entitled A Citizens' Guide to Lake Protection. Click on this link to download the publication in .pdf format. please be patient the file is large - 5.8Mb.
The City of Independence contracted Hennepin Conservation District and Anoka Conservation District to complete a stormwater retrofit analysis for the purpose of identifying and ranking water quality improvement projects in those portions of the City of independence that flow into Lake Sarah and Lake Independence. Both lakes have completed Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) and TMDL implementation plans for impairment by phosphorus. The City of Independence has annual phosphorus reduction goals of 143lbs for Lake Sarah and 535 lbs for Lake Independence. These reductions are likely to be met only with an aggressive pursuit of structural and cultural practices.
This analysis was primarily intended to identify projects in the City of Independence to improve water quality in Lake Sarah and Lake Independence to achieve phosphorus waste load reduction goals identified in local water plans and TMDL implementation plans. Some projects were identified that fall outside of the City of Independence boundaries and are included in this analysis because of their close proximity to the lakes or their likely impact on project selection by the City of Independence.
Link to the study on the Anoka SWD website (35Mb)
TMDL IMPLEMENTATION - CWLLA/BWSR Water Quality Grant filings - Fall 2011
Loretto and Medina's grant for their Loretto Creek project has been funded! Quickly responding to the recently approved Lake Sarah Nutrient TMDL, several of the cities in the lake Sarah watershed had filed for Clean Water Legacy grants in September to help fund several water quality improvement projects. Loretto and Medina jointly filed a grant application for a project to help reduce phosphorus contributions from Loretto Creek with work in the area of the Klaers ballfields. Independence's two smaller grants were not funded this year. Independence had filed for two seperate grants, one would have offered smaller sub-grants managed by community groups (such as the LSIA or LICA) for projects to create and restore shoreland BMPs, educate the public and reduce nutrient loading from direct runoff and the second would have funded a detailed study of the shoreland zone within Independence to create a stormwater / runoff management targeted project list.
TMDL Implementation plan approved by MPCA (September 16, 2011) - The Implementation plan has now been approved by both the Pioneer-Sarah Creek Watershed Management Commission and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The approved version of the plan can be viewed by clicking this link.
TMDL Implementation Plan released (August 2011). The final version of the Lake Sarah Nutrient TMDL Implementation Plan is now available. Click this link to access the document. Approval of the plan is expected at to the August 18, 2011 Pioneer Sarah Creek Watershed management Commission meeting. Following approval by the PSCWMC the document will be submitted to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for their review.
Draft Version of the Implementation Plan available for review. The Draft version of the Lake Sarah Nutrient TMDL Implementation Plan is available for public review. Click this link to access the document. Public comment is invited and should be submitted (to your respective City Administrators or PSCWMC representatives) prior to the July 21, 2011 Pioneer Sarah Creek Watershed meeting. Following approval by the PSCWMC the Draft version will be submitted to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for review.
Lake Sarah Phosphorus TMDL has been approved by the EPA! The next step in the process is completion of the Implementation Plan by Three Rivers Parks. Interested persons may download a copy (in .pdf format) of the Final Draft of the Lake Sarah Phosphorus TMDL as sent to EPA via this link. A copy of the EPA decision document dated 4/25/11 can be viewed via this link. Thank you to Barb Peichel at MPCA for the good news!
Draft TMDL (Final) was sent to the EPA on 2/22/2011 according to MPCA project manager Barb Peichel. The review for final approval of the TMDL should take about 30 days, but sometimes takes longer. Interested persons may download a copy of the Final Draft of the Lake Sarah Phosphorus TMDL as sent to EPA via this link.
Lake Sarah TMDL Final Public Notice period is now closed. The comment period was open from October 11, 2010 through November 10, 2010. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) previously announced that the final 30 day public notice period for the Lake Sarah Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Study would begin on 10/11/10. This was the final opportunity for the public to comment on the TMDL before its submission to the EPA for final approval.
Lake Rebecca gets a dose of alum for algae blooms - November 2010. Three Rivers Park District recently treated Rebecca with alum using money provided by the Legacy Amendment. Combined with it's previous efforts to control curly-leaf and external nutrient loading this project to improve lake Rebecca's water quality looks very similar to actions proposed for lake Sarah in our soon to be completed TMDL. To read the 11/17/10 StarTribune article by Laurie Blake click here.
Lake Sarah TMDL Final Public Notice period will be October 11, 2010 - November 10, 2010 The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)has announce that the final 30 day public notice period for the Lake Sarah Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Study ill begin on 10/11/10. A letter to residents in the lake Sarah sub-watershed will be mailed soon. The 30-day public comment period will might include a public informational meeting in late October, details will be posted here if they become available. All public comment during this period MUST be made in writing to the MPCA. see the below public release for instructions for submitting comments. This will be the final opportunity for the public to comment on the TMDL before its submission to the EPA for final approval. During the Public notice dates the Draft TMDL document has been posted on the MPCA website dedicated to the Lake Sarah TMDL project and is also accessible via this link. (posted 10/1/10)
Public Notice of Availability of Draft Lake Sarah Nutrient TMDL Report and Request for Comment (.pdf)
MPCA Press Release - MPCA seeks comments on Lake Sarah's Water Quality Improvement Report (.doc)
A Public Meeting regarding the Lake Sarah Nutrient TMDL will be held on Thursday October 21, Independence City Hall beginning at 5pm. Hosted by the Pioneer Sarah Creek Watershed Management Commission, the meeting is intended to offer Q & A to the public regarding the TMDL study such that stakeholders who wish to make comment during the 10/11/10 – 11/10/10 comment period may obtain answers and clarification enabling a more accurate comment filing. No comment will be transcribed or provided to the MPCA or EPA from this meeting. Only written public comment submitted by mail within the open comment period will be considered by the MPCA and EPA.
Lake Sarah TMDL Update (September 16, 2010) - Barb Peichel, MPCA TMDL project manager advises the Draft TMDL has been amended to include the comments received from the EPA. A letter to residents in the lake Sarah sub-watershed will be mailed soon. The 30-day public comment period will likely begin in mid October which may include a public informational meeting in late October. All public comment during this period MUST be made in writing to the MPCA. The public notice will be mailed soon and a copy of the letter will be published here with instructions for comment as soon as they are available. Lake Sarah TMDL Update (Aug 16, 2010) - Barb Peichel, MPCA TMDL project manager advises the Draft TMDL has returned following Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) preliminary review with a few minor comments. The 30-day public comment period will begin soon. A mailing to area residents plus a public hearing are planned during this timeframe, date / time will be posted to when it becomes available. Three Rivers Parks District has announced that Randy Lehr’s replacement is Rich Brasch (start date 8/23) who will begin the remaining work on our TMDL study and Implementation plan.
Lake Sarah TMDL Update (6/23/10) - Barb Peichel, MPCA TMDL project manager advises the Draft TMDL has been forwarded to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA for preliminary review. The document should come back with their preliminary comments in 30-60 days. Click here to view the Draft TMDL as sent to the EPA dated 6/16/10.
TMDL Update 4/28/10 - Randy Lehr reports the Draft TMDL with revisions has been sent to the MPCA. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) will review the recent revisions and then forward the Draft document to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for preliminary review (roughly 30 days). Following their review, a public hearing on the TMDL will be held by Pioneer Sarah Creek Watershed Management Commission (PSCWMC) sometime later this summer.
TMDL Update 4/16/10 - Randy Lehr reports the Draft TMDL with revisions should be ready to submit to EPA by April 16. The Draft document will be sent first to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) then forwarded to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for preliminary reveiew (roughly 30 days). Following their review, a public hearing on the TMDL will be held by Pioneer Sarah Creek Watershed Management Commission (PSCWMC). The delay centers on the incorporation of new calculations for the Load Allocation and reclassification of the phosphorus loading attributable to MNDOT controlled areas in the lake Sarah watershed.
The Lake Sarah Stakeholders held a public meeting to review the Draft Phosphorus TMDL on Monday 1/25/10 at the Independence City hall, 1920 County rd 90. Click here to view the preliminary draft of the Lake Sarah TMDL (adobe acrobat 2mb). This draft document presents a summary of the completed modeling and resulting Wasteload and Load Allocations for all permitted and non-permitted phosphorus sources in the watershed. Stakeholders and interested parties are being asked to review this document and provide comments. On January 25, a meeting of the Lake Sarah Stakeholder Committee was held to present a summary of the TMDL document and answer questions about the document and final steps in the TMDL process. Following the Stakeholder meeting, the review period will remain open for an additional two weeks. Following this preliminary review period, all comments will be integrated and the amended document will then be submitted to MPCA and EPA for formal review (and initiate the Official Stakeholder Comment period).
The Draft TMDL is ready for review! Click here to view the preliminary draft of the Lake Sarah TMDL (adobe acrobat 2mb). This document presents a summary of the completed modeling and resulting Wasteload and Load Allocations for all permitted and non-permitted phosphorus sources in the watershed. Stakeholders and interested parties are asked to review this document and provide comment on or before Monday, January 25, 2009. On January 25, a meeting of the Lake Sarah Stakeholder Committee will be held to present a summary of the TMDL document and answer questions about the document and final steps in the TMDL process. Following the Stakeholder meeting, the review period will remain open for an additional two weeks. Following this preliminary review period, all comments will be integrated and the amended document will then be submitted to MPCA and EPA for formal review (and initiate the Official Stakeholder Comment period).
Lake Sarah Draft TMDL Plan nearly ready for public review (10/28/09)! The Draft TMDL has been completed and sent to the MPCA for Technical review. A copy will be made available for public preview and will be posted to the website as soon as it is received. The process going forward should look something like the following: 1. Technical Review of Draft document by MPCA & Stakeholders (Public Stakeholder Meeting held during this time) 2. TRPD makes required revisions 3. MPCA preliminary approval 4 . EPA preliminary review (about 30 days) 5. TRPD makes required revisions and MPCA issues public notice (at least 30 days) 6 . Public input received (30 days) - this will only include a Public Hearing if requested. 7. Public comments addressed by TRPD and MPCA official review and approval. 8. TMDL held for 30 days before sending to EPA. 9 . EPA Official Review and Approval (at least 30 days) During this time TRPD will likely be crafting the Implementation plan to be used following approval of the TMDL by the EPA. To track the progress of our TMDL visit the MPCA webpage devoted to the Lake Sarah Excess Nutrients TMDL project . Lake Sarah DRAFT Phosphorus TMDL Study Report Delayed (update 6/25/09). Previously, the Lake Sarah Stakeholders Committee (LSSC), had been informed that the Draft document was not yet completed but was expected soon. Recent (6/19/09) communication from Randy Lehr of the Three Rivers Park District indicates a problem with their modeling software and does not give any estimated date for delivery of the Draft document. Barb Peichel, TMDL Project Manager for the MPCA reports the issue with the modeling software is a much larger issue than just the lake Sarah project and that TRPD is working with the software developers to resolve the problem. Assuming near term completion of the TMDL study and a typical approval process, interested persons should be able to review the document and make comment followed by a public meeting to discuss the results and recommendations. The TMDL would then be delivered to the appropriate State and Federal agencies for approval followed by development of the implementation plan.
Harold Burrows, LSSC chairman, announced that the next meeting of the Lake Sarah Stakeholders (LSSC) will be held on Monday May 18, 2009 at the Independence City Hall, 1920 County Rd 90. Meeting will begin at 6:30pm, all interested parties are invited.
Draft TMDL target date May 1, 2009. At the 12/03/08 LSSC meeting, John Barten said the tentative date for the completion of the Draft Lake Sarah Phosphorus TMDL has been moved to May 1. EPA approval of the Draft plan should take approximately 3 to 5 months.
MPCA webpage dedicated to Lake Sarah TMDL project - Barb Peichel, MPCA TMDL Project Manager, has created a webpage on the MPCA website dedicated to information regarding the Lake Sarah TMDL project currently underway. The page is located at and will be updated regularly. A link will be maintained on this website on the TMDL Project page for the duration of the process. (10/23/08)
Lake Sarah TMDL update 9/15/08 - At the August LSSC meeting it was learned that Lake Sarah’s current phosphorus loading is 4,281 lbs yearly. Of this total 2,934 lbs are from external sources (ie. runoff from farmland, streets, lawns, etc) and 1,347 lbs are from internal sources (ie. curlyleaf pondweed senescence, decaying plant matter, etc). To achieve the groups stated phosphorus loading goal of 36 ug/L, a reduction of annual phosphorus loading in the amount of roughly 3,100 lbs (a 72% reduction) would be required.Harold Burrows also announced that the next meeting of the Lake Sarah Stakeholders (LSSC) will be held on October 20, 2008 at the Independence City Hall, 1920 County Rd 90, Independence, MN. Meeting will begin at 6:30pm, all interested parties are invited.
Lake Sarah TMDL update (2/19/08) - The stakeholder group continues to work toward waste load allocations and ways to reduce the loading by percentage and task. The ultimate goal of the TMDL is to reduce phosphorus concentrations in the lake to 36-ug/L. At recent meetings the group has focused on developing an aquatic vegetation management plan in cooperation with the Lake Sarah Improvement Association. Curly leaf pondweed was the main target of this plan. To be effective the proposed curly leaf pondweed treatment must take place in late April. Treating 250-300 acres will cost approximately $130,000 per year for 4-5 years. There are approximately 250-300 households in the Lake Sarah lakeshed. The Lake Sarah Improvement Association and the Stakeholders agreed that the funding would not come together in time to begin the management in 2008. The next stakeholder meeting will be held February 25, contact Jerry Wise or Huck Burrows for details if you are interested in attending. source - Pioneer-Sarah Creek Watershed Management Commission Staff Report - February 14, 2008.
Medicine Lake 3 year whole lake curlyleaf treatment program report now available. Although the Lake Sarah whole lake curlyleaf pondweed management plan has been promoted as "new" and "cutting edge", in reality it is very similiar to, and largely based upon the 3 year project on Medicine Lake in Plymouth MN "Endothall treatment to control Curlyleaf Pondweed 2004-2006" conducted by the basst Creek watershed District, Association of Medicine Lake Area Citizens (AMLAC), and Three Rivers Parks District (TRPD). TRPD issued a report on the results of the three year program in 2006 which can be accessed via this link in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. Much can be learned about the program's history, cost and effectiveness by reviewing this document.
Lake Sarah Curly Leaf Pondweed treatment program update 1/16/08. Reports from the Lake Sarah Stakeholders / Lake Sarah Improvement Association TMDL meeting on January 15, 2008 seem to indicate that the $35,000 cost estimate for the whole lake weed treatment found in the PSCWMC November meeting minutes and reported here was; far too low, may have been an error in the commission's minutes, or a mistake in my interpretation. Estimates of annual chemical application costs exceeding $100,000 per year were discussed at the 1/15/08 LSSC meeting. Although no official decision has been communicated to the public and meeting minutes are not currently available, it would seem obvious that no whole lake curly leaf treatment program will be occuring in spring 2008 if for no other reason than a lack of available funding. Lake shore property owners should probably arrange for their personal aquatic weed control solutions as they have in past years.
Lake Sarah Curly Leaf Pondweed treatment program update 1/14/08. The Pioneer Sarah Creek Watershed Management Commissions December 2007 State of the Watershed newsletter contains an update on the progress of the weed treatment program currently proposed by the Lake Sarah Stakeholders Committee (LSSC). Many of you have signed and returned your consent letters agreeing to this treatment program. A copy of the article will be posted here as soon as I can get it scanned. The text is provided here in the interim: Curly Leaf Pondweed Management Plan Proposed for Lake Sarah The Lake Sarah Stakeholders Committee (LSSC) continues to meet to discuss the water quality of Lake Sarah. The committee was formed to evaluate and implement specific strategies to control exotic and invasive aquatic plant species and promote the growth of native species to promote and improve Lake Sarah’s water quality. Early on, the committee requested Three Rivers Park District’s assistance in creating a TMDL for the lake. In turn, the Pioneer-Sarah Creek Watershed Management Commission has requested financial assistance from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to complete a TMDL analysis for Lake Sarah. Completion of a TMDL requires a full year of inflow stream monitoring and an additional six months to write the feasibility report and develop a work plan. One of the primary concerns of the committee is curly leaf pondweed (CLP). Data collected in summer 2007 suggests that internal loading, almost all from CLP, produces 75-80% of the phosphorus released in the lake. CLP is an invasive, non-native aquatic plant that germinates as cold weather begins and grows through the winter. In early summer the mature plants collapse to the lake bottom where they decompose, releasing phosphorus that feeds lake-choking algae and adds organic material to the lake’s bottom. The LSSC has proposed the new, groundbreaking approach to manage CLP as well as Eurasian water milfoil (EWM) in Lake Sarah. While EWM does not contribute significantly to phosphorous loading, it can significantly impact the recreational use of the lake and displace native vegetation that is critical to the lake’s ecosystem. The plan calls for treating all infested areas of the lake (approximately 620 acres) with the herbicide Aquathol® K and spot treating EWM where the infested areas cause a public nuisance with the herbicide Navigate. These are the same chemicals homeowners are already using to control excessive plant growth along their shoreline. A whole-lake treatment of the infested areas of the lake is required for CLP. For EWM, an assessment of the problem areas will be mapped two weeks after ice-out and only those problem areas will be treated for EWM, with little or no damage to native species. This will be a long-term management plan, calling for up to five years or longer of lake-wide treatment. The plan must be conducted with the permission and oversight of the Minnesota DNR. Provided that funding sources can be identified and secured and this project is approved by the lakeshore property owners, treatment will begin in early spring 2008. To date the LSSC has received over 100 permissions from lakeshore owners to proceed with the plan. The LSSC is made up of citizens, representatives from the cities of Corcoran, Greenfield, Independence, Loretto, and Medina, Three Rivers Park District, and the Minnesota DNR. Current members include Dave Allen, John Barten, Robert Berens, Fred Bills, Harold Burrows, Dan Cady, Mario Crespo, Brenda Daniels, Jerry Horazuk, Marvin Johnson, Randy and Colleen Klaers, Jim Kujawa, Beth Kunkel, Mike Peterson, Tom Swanson, Bridget Vanyo, Sue Vergin, Sylvia Walsh, Jerry and Cheryl Wise, and Jodi Wunsch.
There are always multiple sides to any project discussion or recommendation. Be informed, Ask questions, Do your homework, Get involved! A few articles relating to other lakes weed control projects have been in the paper lately, most of them relate to the control of Eurasian Water Milfoil. In case you have not seen these articles. the following links will take you to the content on the StarTribune website. Links to the articles author are included in case you have questions. Additional articles will be added soon, if you see an interesting article please send me a link. email Brad. A plan has been proposed to clean Lake Minnetonka, but should lakeshore owners bear the cost or should others share the burden? A nasty, invasive plant might be blasted with herbicides in three Lake Minnetonka bays if a plan fashioned over eight months and talked about for years gets approval -- and funding. By JENNA ROSS, Star Tribune Fight against milfoil creates even more battles. ...homeowners around Christmas Lake are pondering a serious question: Should they dose the entire body of water with chemicals to kill off Eurasian water milfoil? By LAURIE BLAKE, Star Tribune
Lake Sarah TMDL update - 12/10/07. The Stakeholders Committee met on October 17 and 25, 2007. The latter meeting was with the Lake Sarah Homeowners Association to discuss the vegetation management plan and TMDL process with the Association membership. The stakeholder group continues to work toward waste load allocations and how to reduce the loading by percentage and task. Currently, the group is focusing on an aquatic vegetation management plan to be developed in cooperation with the Lake Sarah Improvement Association. The ultimate goal of the TMDL is to reduce phosphorus concentrations in the lake to 36 ug/L. A third meeting was held November 13 to follow-up on public input on the vegetation management plan from the LSIA meeting of October 25th. The next stakeholders committee meeting is yet to be determined but will be held sometime in late January or early February 2008. John Barten (Three Rivers Park District - Limnologist) reported that to be effective the curlyleaf pondweed treatment should take place in late April. (source - PSCWMC 11/15/07 meeting minutes)
TMDL Projet DRAFT Workplan available for download. A copy of the November 2007 DRAFT Lake Sarah Excess Nutrient TMDL Project Workplan can be viewed by this link (in read-only microsoft word .doc format)
The Lake Sarah Stakeholders Committee (LSSC) and John Barten (Three Rivers Parks District Limnologist) presented a summary of to date TMDL study results on Thursday October 25, 2007. The October LSIA general membership meeting was followed by the presentation by John Barten which focused largely on the prospect of possible whole lake chemical treatments to attempt to control invasive aquatic vegetation with the potential for improving water quality. Selected charts and graphs showing total phosphorus, phosphorus source, watershed composition, and aquatic vegetation surveys from Mr. Barten's presentation have been posted to the newly created TMDL Maps & Charts page.
The Lake Sarah TMDL Stakeholders Committee met in April (2007) to continue discussion of the TMDL process. This group must determine waste load allocations and how to reduce the loading by percentage and task. An aquatic vegetation management plan will be developed in cooperation with the lakeshore homeowners who must take the initiative for curly pondweed removal. A goal is 70% phosphorus loading reduction to the lake. PCA is attempting to secure $35,000 to fund the TMDL. The Park District’s monitoring program is underway. The next Stakeholders meeting will take place in August when the monitoring data will be reviewed. For more information or to join the stakeholders committee please contact Harold Burrows or Jerry Wise.
Funding for the Lake Sarah TMDL study by Three Rivers Parks District in the amount of $12,000 was approved at the May 18, 2006 Pioneer Sarah Creek Watershed Management Commission meeting. To better understand the TMDL process that will begin on our lake later this year we can observe the progress of project currently underway on Lake Independence. Links to the Lake Independence Phosphorus TMDL report can be found towards the bottom of this webpage.
2005 Report on the Transparency of Minnesota’s Lakes released (April 2006). Click here to view or download the Report. For more information contact, Jennifer L.K. Klang. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Citizen Lake-Monitoring Program at 651-282-2618 or email Jennifer.
Lake Sarah has been added to the 2006 Impaired Lakes List. The successful appeal to the MPCA to have Lake Sarah reconsidered and recommended for addition to the proposed 2006 MPCA Impaired Lakes list for excess nutrient levels has now been confirmed. Lake Sarah had originally been left off the biennial list due to lack of water quality testing data. Howard Markus has confirmed that Sarah will be on the final draft of the 2006 list that will go to the EPA. Thank you to Steve Heiskary, Jennifier Oknich, Bob Murzyn, Jim Porter and Howard Markus at the MPCA as well as Brian Vlach & John Barten at Three Rivers Park District for all their help in getting lake Sarah's data into STORET, analyzing and reviewing the data, and lobbying for Sarah to be added to the final list. This Impairment designation is important in the effort to seek funding for a TMDL study and for possible assistance in efforts to improve overall water quality. More information can be found on the TMDL project page. The List of Impaired Waters can be accessed via links on the MPCA website, Impaired Waters page.(2/13/06) letter recommending inclusion on list
Lake Sarah TMDL Project scheduled to begin in early 2006. In a letter dated 9/13/05 Three Rivers Parks expressed their interest in assisting the Pioneer-Sarah Creek Watershed Management Ccommission with the development of the Lake Sarah TMDL. Due to current staffing committments, the lake Sarah TMDL project will be deferred until early 2006 when it is anticipated that the Lake Independence TMDL will have been completed.
Lake Sarah Stakeholders Committee formed. At the Pioneer-Sarah Creek watershed Management Commission (PSCWMC) meeting in June 2005, the commission approved formation of a Lake Sarah Stakeholders Committee consisting of John & Terri Wise, Fred Bills, Mike Peterson, Jerry & Cheryl Wise, Dave Allen, and Jerry Horazuk (Lake Sarah Improvement Association); Tom Swanson, Greenfield; Willie Vetsch, Loretto; Marvin Johnson, Mario Crespo, Harold Burrows, Independence; Jane Maland & Dan Cady. Additionally, Sylvia Walsh, Greenfield was added to the committee by vote at at the July meeting.
Lake Sarah TMDL Study funding requested. At the August 18, 2005 meeting, the Pioneer-Sarah Creek Watershed Management Commission voted on resolution #2005-02. The resolution resolves that the PSCWMC formally requests financial assistance in the amount of $6500.00, from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for lake Sarah TMDL analysis.
Lake Independence Project |
We can learn a great deal about the Phosphorus TMDL process and what to expect from out own project by monitoring the lake Independence TMDL process which is a few years ahead of the lake Sarah project. Much of the information here is provided courtesy of the Pioneer Sarah Creek Watershed Management Commission. Below are articles and links to information for those interested in learning more.
the Final Lake Independence TMDL work plan was submitted to MPCA and the Board of Water and Soil Resources on February 26, 2007. The TMDL is published in two formats – the version approved by the Environmental Protection Agency dated January 2007 and the March 2007 version that includes the expanded Implementation Plan.
Lake Independence TMDL: Excess Nutrients The EPA Public comment period has now ended (was open for comment October 30, 2006 - November 29, 2006) Click on these blue links to view the TMDL documents, study, and recommendations. Fact Sheet (in .pdf). Draft TMDL (file size = 1.9 MB).
The Lake Independence Phophorus TMDL has been completed as of March 2006 and can be viewed in a 3 part .pdf via the links below or the links provided on the Pioneer Sarah Creek Watershed Management Commission website. This study may be helpful in understanding the similiar study for Lake Sarah which will begin sometime in 2006.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The Lake Independence Stakeholders Committee and Three Rivers Parks are a few years ahead of Lake Sarah in the TMDL/Impaired Waters process. Much can be learned from their project. In March 2004 the Lake Independence Diagnostic Feasibility Report was completed. In July of 2005 the Rough Draft TMDL Workplan was completed and is scheduled to be presented to the Lake Independence Stakeholders on September 15, 2005 at the Independence City Hall. The Draft Plan describes nine load reduction strategies. A reduction of 23% in the current nutrient load is neccessary to achieve the quality goal adopted by the stakeholders committee. click on the blue links below to view the above mentioned documents.
A September 15, 2005 public meeting provided an opportunity for citizens to discuss the management options for the Independence project. The meeting produced the final Work Plan for the April 2006-April 2007 time frame. (click on the blue link to view)
Prior Project Related Documents:
Lake Independence Diagnostic Feasibility Report (March 2004) in 3 parts.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
July 2005 Draft workplan:
Draft TMDL Workplan: Lake Independence, Minnesota
above information provided by the Pioneer Sarah Creek Watershed Management Commission, 3235 Fernbrook Lane, Plymouth, MN 55447