WHERE & WHEN: LSIA will hold the 25th Anniversary Picnic on Saturday, July 20th at Ron and Mary Jorgenson’s Park at 4594 Shady Beach Circle.
2:00 pm Silent Auction Opens
Sign up to play Kulb/and begin action
Hand in your completed coloring contest sheet or color one on the spot
Practice Hula Hoop, Shoe Kick
2:30pm Games really begin/contests start
3:00pm Tiny annual meeting - board election / awards for boat parade (Resume all activities after the meeting)
4:00pm - until game completion EAT!!!!!!!
Participation and contest winning awards.......Dairy Queen Gift Certificates
BE A PART OF LAKE SARAH HISTORY: Lake Sarah history will be gatheredfrom residents at large, but especially from Dolores Ullstrom who has archived informaton over the years which will be made available by her for your viewing and enjoyment. Please bring anything you have to add to the history table. Make a poster board of your experiences over the years on the lake, pictures on the lake with your family, neighbors, or at the resorts. Try to date items on your poster board for others to enjoy. History will also be made that day with a group photo of all the residents who attend this year. The group photo will be taken right after dinner at about 5:00 p.m. Volunteer photographers will be taking the group photo and individual family photographs by request. Some photographs will be in the newsletter and family photographs will be up loaded to a site yet to be determined….Snapfish, Shu2erfly, etc.
ADULT AND FAMILY GAMES: This year we will hold a Kubb tournament! Look it up on Google and you will find that itis the craze right now. This game is played with a partner, and works well with one adult and one child, or two adults. So, be sure you and your partner are ready to play by around 2:30 p.m. Jerry Wise is the expert on this game, or maybe it is his son Tom. In either case he will be setting up three courts and the brackets for this tournament. Make sure you are a part of this craze….there will be a first and second place winner! We have something special for the children this year too! A “Coloring Contest” for children of all ages begins now by coloring the Lake Sarah picture as shown in the newsletter. We will have five age groups: toddlers, children ages 5 & 6, 7 and 8, 9 and 10, and 11 years and older. So make several copies and have all your children, grandchildren, or neighbors’ children enter this contest by coloring and bringing it to the picnic with their name and age printed on the back of the page. We will have a “kick your shoe contest” for adults and children, a hula hoop contest, and -me for making bubbles.
LSIA Annual Meeting: A brief meeting will begin around 3:00 p.m. where new board members will be elected and BoatParade Contest winners will be announced and awards presented.
FOOD: The menu is “All American” tradi-onal picnic food of hamburgers and brats with sauerkraut. Please bring a dishto pass, and new this year, its recipe! For those of you who are purchasing a side dish, see if you can either get the recipe from the restaurant, or modify it to make it your own and give us that recipe. We will be vo-ng for the winning side dish. IF WE GET RECEIPES……WE MAY PUBLISH A BOOK….BUT MOST LIKELY YOUR RECIPE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN A FUTURE NEWSLETTER.
SILENT AUCTION : New this year is a silent auction! Rumor has it one of the items donated is a week in Sedona, AZ (airfare not included of course).
VOLUNTEERS: If you are interested in getting involved with the picnic, please email me at Theresaewise@gmail.com. I would really appreciate your help! I especially need help with the history table, photography, the games, the food table, and contest judging.
Please join us! R.S.V.P. to Terry Wise at email Terry by July 16TH. We hope you all can attend!